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Challenges InnoNEM will address

Current, high-intensity forms of agriculture with a focus on maximum production can lead to an impoverishment of the natural capital of the land, water, diversity and landscape qualities. Most Danish rural areas face a number of challenges (concrete expression of the seven mega crises), such as:

  • Agriculture depending on support and credit, where support is now discontinued

  • Modern agriculture can play a positive role in the fight against climate change

  • Climate change will alter the weather, particularly rainfall and in some places also landscapes and soil

  • Loss of jobs and residentsManagement of natural, agricultural land and infrastructure is highly fragmented and subject to many laws and regulations.

This splits planning and management and hampers locally developed comprehensive solutions that accommodate nature, enterprises and other community concerns.Environmental and climate issues are also very much part of the agenda, managers of our natural resources work with. And population growth in rural areas is to create other challenges, which can be seen in the context with natural resources, both in terms of jobs and in relation to the use of natural amenities.


InnoNEM strategy is therefore diversified

  1. InnoNEM will disseminate research results and experiences in order to create increased natural and social capital, biodiversity and sustainability, and not least make profits in companies that work with nature in agriculture, forestry and experience economy.

  2. InnoNEM will bring international experience from work on innovation and sustainability into play in Denmark to ensure competitiveness, climate and environment.

  3. InnoNEM will promote holistic, landscape-focused planning and implementation.

​​Why InnoNEM?


The Danish Nature and Agricultural Commission proposes in the report "Nature and Agriculture - a new beginning" (April 2013) that we give nature in Denmark a significant boost: "We must get away from strife and suspicion and reach a more constructive conversation that will pave the way for several commonly accepted and balanced solutions," and "...agriculture must recognize that society needs a rich nature and a clean environment. There are many opportunities to find solutions that can bring development in the agricultural industry, protect the environment, and create more and richer nature. Nature, environment and growth are not necessarily opposites but can and must work together."

InnoNEM c/o Liv & Landskab



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